

16 products have been found in your country

Dairy Drink with 3 jars recipe

10 Sep 2019

含 Peptan 的乳制品饮料

Dairy drink is a popular format for creating healthy, low fat, high protein beverages. Drinks are convenient for consumers on the go. Formulating dairy products with Peptan provides the added benefits...

Peptan-Almond cookies recipe

04 Sep 2019

含 Peptan 的杏仁酥

一款健康美味的麦片棒小食,有助于您保持健康年轻的肌肤。Peptan 胶原蛋白肽通过改善胶原蛋白的网络结构和皮肤含水量,让您的肌肤由内而外散发年...

Peptan-granola bar

04 Sep 2019

含 Peptan 的谷物棒

有美容和运动功效的美味饼干。让您吃下去毫无罪恶感的美味饼干,含有 15% 的 Peptan 胶原蛋白肽,这一成分已被证实有助于皮肤美容并能促进关节柔韧...

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