Peptan Blog

Peptan Runners: Hooked on running | Paula Rossi


Peptan Runners: Hooked on running | Paula Rossi

13 Jul 2020

Paula Rossi, Accounting Assistant at Rousselot Brazil


Challenging myself

As soon as I heard about the Peptan Runners program, I wanted to get involved. Before that, I had only ever walked; I’d never done anything like serious running training. So the thought of challenging myself, as well as improving my health and fitness, seemed like a no-brainer.


On the street at night

Now, I’m hooked! I run 2-3 times a week, either alone on the street or at the gym. I like running on the street at night the best, but I’m excited by the thought of beach running, too, even though I haven’t’ tried it yet! My favorite race so far was the Night Run in Campinas: I loved the environment and atmosphere, and you could feel the energy of the runners – very lively!


Breaking through barriers

For me, running is a process of constant learning. We can always improve, learn new techniques, and it requires a lot of practice and discipline. Through all of that, and by entering competitions and races, we can break through barriers and reach new goals. Apart from that, it’s so important for the health of both body and mind.

What Peptan Runners gives me

The Peptan Runners program has given me so much. I can see a clear improvement in my muscle strength and breathing capacity. We get to participate in some cool and unique races at least 12 times a year, thanks to their organization. And I’ve made new friends, too, as we get to meet people in the company we otherwise wouldn’t see much of. It’s been so valuable and I’m excited to see what awaits us in the future!