Peptan Blog


Peptan_coconut pancake


07 Aug 2021

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Most folks love pancakes, and with this recipe, you can make a batch that’s super-healthy. This delicious, exotic pancake* is gluten-free, grain-free, low-carb, keto-friendly and bursting with added health benefits.

This simple pancake recipe can be knocked up in just a few minutes. It’s a great option if you’re looking for a healthy dessert or sweet treat.

How to make it

What you’ll need:

  • 2 small bananas
  • 1 egg
  • 4 teaspoons of coconut flour
  • 10 to 20g of Peptan collagen peptides
  • Vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • Coconut powder to serve

Here’s how you make it:

  1. Mix all the ingredients together until you have a smooth pancake batter
  2. Add coconut oil to a warm frying pan
  3. Cook the mixture for 4 minutes on each side
  4. Add coconut powder and serve with any toppings you like!
coconut pancake


This pancake is packed with healthy, nutritional ingredients. For example, coconut powder is low-carb, gluten-free and full of fiber and protein. Banana’s nutritional value is well-known, containing potassium, magnesium and manganese, among others. And Peptan collagen peptides can add a science-backed health benefits boost to any recipe.

Top tip: looking to treat yourself? There are dozens of sweet options you can add to your pancake when serving, like fresh fruits, maple syrup, ice cream, chocolate, whipped cream, or peanut butter!

Whether it’s Pancake Day (Shrove Tuesday) or just a regular day like any other, pancakes are always a welcome treat. With this healthy recipe and its added health benefits, you can enjoy your pancake guilt-free.

Follow Peptan on Instagram and Facebook for new recipes, tips about using collagen peptides, and much more.

*Recipe developed by Peptan ambassador Rémi Blanchard